The iLabs Singularity Summit marks an important - and potentially historic - moment in life-span extension research: thirty-three years after the lab foundation, founders Gabriele Rossi and Antonella Canonico presented to an international audience the results of iLabs main projects in science, philosophy and technology.

The opportunities opened by the forthcoming Semi-Immortality were explored from several perspectives: the talks by Raymond Kurzweil and Aubrey de Grey - two among the most prominent speakers in the field - made the Summit an unparalleled occasion to assess both challenges and rewards brought by the technological revolution.

The technological development is a non-linear process: according to almost any possible measure, technological progress was faster in the last 100 years than in the previous 300, and still faster in the last 10 than in the previous 50.

Any question about Reality can be expressed and answered in a suitable formal system. After thirty-three years of research, iLabs present a possible systematization of our present knowledge of the physical universe and the informational world.

Biological ageing is a progressive, degenerative process. As a side-effect of the everyday metabolic activities, cells in our body are damaged: year after year, the cumulative effect of this micro-damages considerably diminishes the overall efficiency of the system, leading eventually to death.

We die mainly because of ignorance: we do not know how to measure our health, we do not understand completely the side-effects of our therapies and we can't explain the complex interplay between mind and body.

The structure of our society is destined to change radically while approaching Singularity. The technological revolution will change the core values of the "social contract", the underlying business infrastructure, the administration of justice and the relation between individuals and their societies.

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