Scientists, enterpreneurs, analysts claim that it the inner structure of technology that generates this exponential trend: named "Law of Accelerating Returns", this law predicts that mankind will reach within a few decades an unprecedented moment of radical change: the Singularity.
The very idea of Singolarity is strongly linked to the the explosion of intelligence, since the construction of the first general Artificial Intelligence will have a tremendous impact on the the whole process. With the help of thinking machines we will able to tackle in new ways old problems, and, of course, to build even better artificial minds. This second generation will bring us a third, smarter generation, and so on: the explosion of intelligence will change forever our life - entertainment, health care, education are just some of the fields that will be revolutionized by the massive use of reliable AI products.
The Singularity scenario is exciting, but the road to this extraordinary goal is full of challenges (both in science and technology) and dilemma (both in moral values for individuals and in general laws for societies): if the positive consequences of the exponential development are obvious,
unintended, socially biased outcome must be avoided.
Raymond Kurzweil - one of the most important scientist in the field - will talk about technological progress from a somewhat unusual perspective, that is his personal scientific and enterpreneurial journey towards Singularity.